
SkilmNET Gateway Router

While tux was the most visible server on SkilmNET, there were other machines around the house that ran Linux. One of those was vesta, my old Pentium 90MHz desktop. I converted it over to Linux and it became the gateway router, external DNS server, DHCP server, and NTP server for the network. I loved how much Linux would let me squeeze from old hardware.

Vesta Gateway Router
CPU Pentium 100MHz (199.88 bogomips)
Storage 2 IDE HDDs (4.3 GB and 500 MB)
Internet Connection 3Com 905-C TX 10/100 PCI NIC
Network Connection Linksys LNE100TX 10/100 PCI NIC
OS Red Hat Linux 9.0
Kernel 2.4.20-20.9
Services telnet (telnetd) - Remote Access/Control
dhcp server (dhcpd) - Dynamic Host Configuration
ntp server (ntpd) - Network Time Protocol
dns server (BIND) - Name resolution (external)
Simple Network Management Protocol (ucd-snmpd)

Linux 2.2

SkilmNET DHCP/Testing Server History