Network/Computer Resources
- Slashdot - "News for
nerds - stuff that matters" - I used to LIVE on this website. Also, you
have to love the joke URL.
- Ars Technica -
"The PC enthusiast's resource." This site has a lot of really good
information. Part of the site is a news section similar to Slashdot,
while the more interesting part is a collection of technology-related
articles and papers.
- DistroWatch -
This site is a place to keep up with changes in different distributions
of Linux. You can tell what version number a specific distro is on and
what versions of common programs are included with each.
- Sourceforge - A
collection of open source software projects is hosted here. You can find
some pretty good pieces of software if you look around for a few
- Thinkgeek - An
online store for computer accesories/clothing/fun stuff. I've bought a
lot of stuff from them. This is KILLER at Christmastime for your nerd
Network/Computer Stuff that SkilmNET Used at One Time or Another
- Linksys - Maker of
routers, switches and assorted network hardware for home use. SkilmNET
had some switches, routers, wireless access points, and NICs made by
- 3com - Another famous
networking company. Some of the best NICs I had. They've since been
- Netgear - More
network hardware. I used to have a few NICs from them, and their Linux
support was not exactly stellar as I recall.
- RedHat - RedHat is
one of the commercial companies that makes it's own distribution of
Linux. I almost exclusively ran RedHat OSes until they converted to Fedora.
- SUSE - After the Fedora
switch, I changed to SUSE. It was a pretty cool distro - I particularly
liked their package management more than RedHat's.
- Apache - The
webserver software that SkilmNET used. Doesn't EVERYONE?
- Sendmail
- SkilmNET's original e-mail server software.
- Postfix - When
sendmail became too cumbersome. Seriously - have you ever read the
entire It's ridiculous.
- Qpopper
- SkilmNET's POP3 e-mail retrieval server.
SkilmNET's IMAP e-mail retrieval server.
- ISC - Internet
Software Consortium - I used their dhcpd and BIND for DNS service. I
LOVED running a DNS server.
- NTPd - Network Time
Protocol is really cool - it even takes the speed of your network
connection into account when doing the time sync. I didn't really use it
for anything production, it was just nice to know that I had the RIGHT
- MRTG - The
Multi-Router Traffic Grapher. This is the software that draws the pretty
little network traffic graphs that network nerds love. I never did too
much with it.
Network/Computer Fun
- Technical Papers - A collection of my favorite
RFCs. Some people have Sci-Fi novels, I had "Requests for Comment".
Handbook (pdf) - When I heard that this book had been put up on
the web as a PDF, I had to grab a copy (eventhough I own the actual
book). This is a collection of messages that were posted to the
UNIX-HATERS mailinglist at some point. While most of the gripes that are
listed are outdated, it's still a pretty funny read with some classic
- Map of the Internet
- Ever wonder what the Internet would look like if you mapped it out?
Well, this site has it. I think they update it frequently as well.