SkilmNET User Survey

Please take a moment to fill out this poll so that we know how to make the site better.

  1. Who should receive this E-Mail?

  2. Tell us about yourself

    1. Name:

    2. E-Mail Address:

  3. Please answer the following questions:
    1. I use your site regularly. Yes
      This is my first time at your site.

    2. I wish your site had more...(check all that apply)...

      Links to cool/useful sites
      Pretty pictures
      Family-specific articles
      I wish the majority of the family members had their own webpages
      Tasty snacks

  4. Please put any additional comments, job offers, or phone numbers here:

Thanks so much for your time. If there is anything else you need,
Feel free to contact the administrator Here. Thanks again!

©2001 SkilmNET & Peter Skillman